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蟛蜞菊内酯 ≥98%(HPLC)

  • Wedelolactone
  • 524-12-9
  • 国产
  • aladdin阿拉丁
  • 中国
  • 1899

    Wedelolactone, a compound originally extracted from Eclipta alba, has been shown to inhibit caspase-11, which is a key regulator of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β maturation and pathological apoptosis. Mechanistic studies suggest that caspase-11 is inhibited by reduction of NF-κB-mediated transcription. Furthermore, this compound has been shown to inhibit IKKγ, a kinase that is crucial for activation of NF-κB, as well as IKK α and IKK β. Weldelolactone also displays potent trypsin inhibition capacities. Additional studies suggest that Wedelolactone contains antagonistic properties towards two PLA2 myotoxins that were isolated from Agkistrodon contortix laticinctus and Crotalus virdis virdis. This agent has also been noted to contain antihepatotoxic behavior consequentially protecting primary cultured liver cells from the toxicity of CC14, Phalloidin, and galactosamine, and inhibit 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO)) activity in porcine leukocytes.