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派洛宁Y 超级纯

  • Pyronin Y
  • 92-32-0
  • 国产
  • aladdin阿拉丁
  • 中国
  • 232.2

    Pyronin Y is a dye that intercalates and stains RNA red, and has been shown to accumulate in the mitochondria of viable cells. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii studies tested inhibition of the efflux pump by measuring the intracellluar accumulation of Pyronin Y and Ethidium bromide. Research shows that at low Pyronin Y concentrations the cytostatic effect is cell arrest in the G1 phase, whereas at high concentrations the cells arrest is in the G2 and S phase. Pyronin Y has been used in combination with Alcian Blue to asses and study pulmonary diseases, and in combination with Methyl Green to stain nucleic acids in paraffin sections. Additionally Pyronin Y has been used to measure RNA in flow cytometry.