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  • 进口
    ALX-260-022-M005 5 mg
    ALX-260-022-M001 1 mg 
    Highly specific, potent, irreversible, and cell-permeable competitive inhibitor of proprotein convertases: furin/SPC1 (Ki~1nM), SPC2/PC2 (Ki=0.36nM), SPC3/PC1/PC3(Ki=2.0nM), SPC4/PACE4 (Ki=3.6nM), SPC6/PC5/PC6, and SPC7/LPC/PC7/PC8 (Ki=0.12nM). Because furin activates viral glycoproteins, this inhibitor is a useful antiviral agent. In addition, it inhibits furin-dependent pro-MMP-2 activation in various cell lines, including U87 and HT1080 cells.
    Typical concentration range used in tissue culture is 25-100µM.
    Product Specification
    Alternative Name: Decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone, Dec-RVKR-CMK, TACE inhibitor
    Formula: C34H66N11O5Cl . 3TFA
    MW: 744.3 . 342.1
    Appearance: White to off-white powder.
    Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, methanol or water.
    Shipping: AMBIENT
    Long Term Storage: -20°C