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    RNeasy FFPE Kit
    从FFPE组织切片中获得最佳的结果 — 新方法来克服福尔马林导致的交联
    高RNA产量 — 有效的释放切片中的RNA而不危害RNA完整性
    快速反应程序 — 改进的实验方法,获得RNA仅需70分钟
    The RNeasy FFPE Kit is specially designed for purifying total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Special lysis and incubation conditions reverse formaldehye modification of RNA. In addition, the lysis buffer efficiently releases RNA from tissue sections while avoiding further RNA degradation. The kit also uses DNase and DNase Booster Buffer for optimized removal of genomic DNA contamination. RNeasy MinElute spin columns enable purification of total RNA with elution volumes of as low as 10 μl. Purification can be fully automated on the QIAcube.