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    Orange Serum Agar was developed specifically for the isolation and enumeration of micro-organisms that are capable of surviving in citrus products1. The low pH of these products limits the growth of micro-organisms to those capable of tolerating the acidic environment.
    Organisms known to grow in single strength and concentrated citrus juices are lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds2. Of this group of organisms lactic acid bacteria have been mainly implicated as the cause of spoilage and these have been identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Leuconostoc dextranicum3.
    In comparative studies carried out by Murdock et al.4 Orange Serum Agar was found to be a superior medium when compared to other media used for the total count and detection of spoilage organisms.