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    STM系美国材料与试验协会的英文缩写,其英文全称为American Society for Testing and Materials。该技术协会成立于1898年。
    北京赛福莱博科技代理美国ASTM制定ASTM SRB HT-1,2,3碳黑吸碘测试用标准参比炭黑。

    众所周知碳黑吸碘指数,standard grades of carbon blacks including existing standard reference blacks decrease with time, and is the result of slow and irreversible chemisorption of oxygen on the carbon black surface.  This iodine number stability problem was addressed by ASTM D24 through the development of a set of improved standards.  These new standards were thermally treated in an inert atmosphere such that they exhibit stable iodine numbers over time.  ASTM D24 has evidence of stability exceeding 12 years for similar heat treated carbon blacks.  These new standards were designed to improve iodine testing precision within the carbon black industry (refer to ASTM D1510-05).
    HT标准碳黑 有三种型号可以提供, HT-1, HT-2, HT-3. 每种包装为 1 kg.共计3 kg. 可以完成 6,000 次ASTM  D1510测试.