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    CAS号: 9066-59-5

    Lysozyme chloride form from chicken egg white
    别名: Mucopeptide N-acetylmuramoylhydrolase, Muramidase
    Enzyme which breaks down the cell walls of bacteria; used to prepare spheroplasts.
    Unit Definition
    One unit will produce a ΔA450 of 0.001 per min at pH 6.24 at 25°C, using a suspension of Micrococcus lysodeikticus as substrate, in a 2.6 mL reaction mixture (1 cm light path).
    Physical form
    Preparation Note
    3× Crystallized
    相关类型        3.2.x.x Glycosidases, 3.x.x.x Hydrolases, Application Index, Bacterial, Carbohydrate Hydrolysis, Carbohydrate and PTM analysis, Carbohydrate hydrolysis & PTM  analysis, Enzymatic Cell Lysis and Protoplast Preparation, Enzyme Class Index, Enzymes, Inhibitors, and Substrates
    type            Grade VI
    mol wt          mol wt ~14.3 kDa
    composition     Protein, ≥80% 
    storage temp.   −20°C